Curriculum Vitae Highlights

Current Employment

Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Public Policy
Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan

Recent Employment

Faculty Advisor
Masters Thesis Seminar, Department of Politics
New York University, New York, New York

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Government and Politics
Wagner College, Staten Island, New York

Adjunct Faculty, New York University
American Politics
Politics of Welfare and Poverty
Policy Formation and Policy Analysis
Interest Groups and Social Movements
Interest Group Politics
Normative Issues in Public Policy

American Society of Association Executives Foundation
Principal Investigator, Scholarly Research in Association Management Grant


  • Peer reviewed research:

“How Collective Action Problems Suppress Participation in Nonprofit Trade Associations.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2021. Read Abstract

“Status and Power: The Principal Inputs to Influence for Public Managers.” Public Administration Review. 2014. With Joseph Magee. Read Abstract

  • Conference presentations that explore processes and consequences of political organization (2014 present).
  • University teaching in public policy, civil society, normative issues in public policy, American politics, research methods, and nonprofit-public management.
  • Graduate degrees from Harvard, City University of New York, and New York University.
  • Selected Awards
    • Social Policy Grant, Nazarbayev University (2024)
    • Fellow, NYU Provost’s Graduate Research Initiatives (2018, London)
    • American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) Foundation (2017-2018)
    • ICPSR Scholarship for Public Administration (2015)
    • National Urban Fellowship (2004-2005)
    • Harvard Divinity Hopkins Shareholder Award (1995)

Organizing and Management

  • Connecticut State Employees Association (CT)
  • Service Employees International Union (NY,DC)
  • The Bellevue Hospital Center (NY)
  • Member congregations of the Presbytery of New York City (NY)

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